Promise of Love and Grace


Take a deep, full breath. As you breathe in, say: “God is with me”. As you breathe out, say: “God is good”. Repeat this as many times as you need.



And what more can David say to you? For you know your servant, O Lord God! Because of your promise, and according to your own heart, you have wrought all this greatness, so that your servant may know it. – 2 Samuel 7:20-21



In the text we’ll hear in worship tomorrow, God tells King David that God doesn’t need David to build a temple. God loves the people and will continue to defend them no matter what. God’s goodness and love don’t require some kind of fancy physical location. God will work through the people and David’s leadership to great glory.


Instead of complaining that he didn’t get to be the one to build a house for God, David steps aside to sing God’s praises. David realizes that the gift of God’s continuing presence and providence are worth more than the prestige of a temple. David realizes that the greatest treasure comes in God’s work in his life.


Like David, we trust that no matter where we pray or worship, no matter how important or humble our status, no matter what God calls us to in this life, the greatest gift is God’s simple promise of love and grace for all time.



God, I know you are with me, no matter where I go, and no matter how I serve. Send me to the work you need me to do. Give me confidence to do your work faithfully. I praise you for your love in my life. Amen.


Carry On.

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Prayer & Praise


David and Goliath