David and Goliath
Close your eyes and take a few deep, slow breaths. Release your anxiety and need to be busy. Let God’s presence in your life be your sole focus in this moment.
David strapped Saul’s sword over the armor, and he tried in vain to walk, for he was not used to them. – 1 Samuel 17:39a
In the story of David and Goliath, the young David decides to face off with the mighty warrior Goliath, who has been taunting the Israelites and their fighters. When David answers the challenge, King Saul suits him up with Saul’s very own armor and sword. However, they’re so heavy and unfamiliar that they just weigh David down. He chooses to take the risk of leaving them behind. He picks up only stones and his sling, weapons he knows, to face this fearsome foe.
When we try to be who others say we should be, we start to feel like David dragging beneath Saul’s armor. It becomes harder and harder to hear and do God’s call as we struggle under the weight of their expectations. Instead, hold tight to the gifts, abilities, and relationships God has given you as you do God’s work in the world.
God, I trust in you alone. I praise you for what you have given me and pray that you would show me how to best use these gifts. Make me faithful, not to others’ ideas of me, but to your vision for my life. Amen.
Carry On.
Picture all that weighs you down. Envision releasing it and letting it drop. Without these expectations distracting you, ask God to show you exactly who God alone calls you to be today.