Philippians 2:4-5


Our devotions this week provide a different opportunity to reflect on God’s word and action in our lives. You’ll need a timer, a quiet spot, and about ten minutes for devotions each day this week. Have everything ready, take a deep breath, and hear a passage from tomorrow’s worship text.



Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus – Philippians 2:4-5



In the faith practice known as Examen, we are invited to reflect on God’s word and our lives to better listen to God’s action in our lives and discern where God may be leading us. We’ve been using a version of this practice all week to engage with the upcoming Biblical reading in a different way. Set your timer for two minutes to reflect and pray about each of the following questions:


Philippians invites us to have the same mind in us that was in Jesus. How have you felt a closeness with Jesus and his will for you this week?


Paul urged the church in Philippi to look to the interests of others. Where have you been able to do that this week? Spend some time thanking God for these opportunities to serve.


In spite of Christ’s presence with us, we can sometimes find it hard to truly consider others’ needs and put them first. Consider your week. Where might there have been missed opportunities? Ask God’s forgiveness for these times.


Christ has promised to be with us and always guide us. Think back through your day. Was there a time when you most felt his presence? Consider that moment and bring it before God.


Every day is a new day to follow our Savior’s call and love all people in his name. Think about the week ahead. How will listen for Jesus as you look to the interests of others?



Jesus, my Savior, guide me as I serve all people in your name. Grant me humility and mercy. Challenge me to greater compassion and kindness. Let me be an agent of your love in the world. Amen.


Carry On.

How might you use Examen moving forward? How can you incorporate reflection and discernment into your days and weeks in a way that feels authentic and centering?


Genesis 1:1-2


Philippians 2:3