Philippians 2:3


This week, our devotions will be based on a practice known as Examen. You’ll need a timer, a quiet spot, and about ten minutes for devotions each day this week. Get what you need, take a deep breath, and prepare to hear from our upcoming preaching text.



Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. – Philippians 2:3



In the practice known as Examen, we are invited to reflect on God’s word and our lives to better listen to God’s action in our lives and discern where God may be leading us. For many Christians, this daily practice invites reflection, devotion, and connection to God’s will. We will try it for our devotions this week as a way to learn about another style of faith practice that can be very meaningful. Set a timer for two minutes to reflect and pray about each of the following questions, one at a time:


Paul encourages the church in Philippi to look first to the needs of others when deciding how to act. Where have you been cared for by others this week?


What does humility mean to you? Ask God to show you events from this week that reveal both a meaningful expression of humility or times when you’ve let pride lead your actions.


For many of us, it is a great challenge to set aside our self-interest and listen for the needs of others. What events or conversations from this past week reveal your need for forgiveness? Take time to bring these to God and hear a word of peace.


Consider just one of these events, whether it was a place of contentment or growth. Come in prayer to God and listen for what God offers you in return.


Paul tells the Philippians that this humility is expected of us because of the humility Christ showed. How can you ask for your Savior’s grace as you seek to follow and obey him this week?



God of power and honor, you call us not to glory for our own sake, but to humility in obedience to your Son. Call us to such powerful love that we might care for others with the depth of compassion shown to us in our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen


Carry On.

Many websites have information on the Examen and ways you can use it in your life. Spend a few minutes reading a little about it. How might you use it as one of your regular faith practices?


Philippians 2:4-5


Philippians 2:1-2