What have you noticed during this pandemic time?

On Sunday I preached on Luke 18:35-19:10. Specifically, noticing the people that Jesus notices. Throughout Luke 18 Jesus notices those who would otherwise be disregarded—he tells a story about a widow, a tax collector, he welcomes little children, and then he heals a blind beggar.  

That blind beggar was disregarded by the crowd (and told “sternly” to be quiet). But Jesus has the crowd bring the blind beggar to him. Jesus SAW him and Jesus made the crowd see him, too. In chapter 19 Zacchaeus is kept from seeing Jesus by the crowd. They don’t care for him (he’s a chief tax collector, after all) and they disregard him. But Jesus sees Zacchaeus up in that tree and makes everyone else see him by visiting his house.  

As followers of the narrow way, Jesus invites us to start noticing those we would normally disregard. During this pandemic time what have you noticed? A nearby walking path, birds and creation, neighborhood kids playing, perhaps you’ve even noticed and learned how to use technology to stay connected.  

But we’ve also noticed not so great things during this pandemic. Racial injustice continues to be heightened. So we’ve started a Racial Equity Leadership Team that is sharing a resolution on racial justice at our annual meeting, has hosted the “Who Is My Neighbor” series, several book groups, and much more. These are just the first steps of a marathon.  

I’ve also noticed that the pandemic has further isolated people—especially those who live alone and especially family caregivers. Caring for a loved one is difficult under normal circumstances. It can be even more challenging during covid times. So we have partnered with Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota through a Community Care Corps Grant to offer a Caregiver Support Series (www.easter.org/support). After that we’ll be training volunteers to help provide respite care to offer support to caregivers. These are other first steps of a marathon.  

I am curious—what have you noticed during this time that you normally wouldn’t notice and what is God inviting you to do about it?  

Keep noticing and keep being God’s hands and feet in this world! 

In Christ,


Brandon Newton

Easter Pastor


