Psalm 117 

Praise the Lord, all you nations! Extol him, all you peoples! For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!


Ministry at the Margins 

The subject of mission is always God.  

Ministry is done through ordinary people showing God’s love for the world. When we serve as that conduit we are blessed to be a blessing.  

During Lent we have highlighted Easter’s robust Outreach ministries. We work through both global and local partnerships focused on education, hunger and homelessness. All of these projects contribute toward justice and equity in the community.  

We each have places in our lives that are boundaries, borders or margins. 

Where are the margins for you? Our congregation seeks to blur the lines between church and community. Crossing boundary lines begins at the end of your driveway, block, county or state. At times it may even require a passport to another country. There are stories to discover that can break our heats apart or break them open. When broken open, out pours God’s love. 

We are invited into a journey of faith. In outreach we approach margins leaving the comfort of our “Homeland.” However long or short the travel, a new place is often discovered. At or across these margins we can find a “Wonderland” of beauty, love and partnership. We listen, we learn, we love. We “grow in faith as we carry out the work of Jesus Christ.” Together we create and discover a “Newfoundland” of harmony, diversity without division, of Justice and Equity.  

There is so much work to be done. Reflect on the margins in your life. Have courage, be brave, approach those margins and join in this important work. There is joy in being a part of something much bigger than ourselves. 


Gracious God, wake us up to listen carefully. May your unconditional love be an antidote to the evil of Racism in all its forms. Inspire us to cross boundaries, and build relationships. May we find a new land of diversity without division. Amen.




What have you noticed during this pandemic time?