The Knights of North Castle

Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power.

Ephesians 6:10

Knights of the North Castle VBS Banner.jpg

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a wonderful tradition at Easter.  In years past, more than 300 children and 100 volunteers have come into our buildings to sing, listen to Bible stories, play crazy games, make crafts and enjoy yummy treats.  We missed everyone so so much last summer, but we are ready see you, BE with you this summer!  Sure, it will look a little different, keeping safe is our number one priority. Our registration numbers are limited, and the majority of stations will be outside, but we will continue to have fun praising God and being together!

Our VBS theme this summer is The Knights of North Castle. This year, we will discover Old and New Testament stories and different pieces of protective armor.  The Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Justice, the Shoes of Peace, the Shield of Faith, and the Helmet of Salvation.  We will Armor UP for God!  The Armor of God protects us, knowing we can pray to God anytime, anywhere and every day. When we put on that armor of God you can be confident that you are never alone.  Watch for all the pictures in the Leaflet.  Thank you to all the volunteers that make this event possible.  The kids see God in YOU!

Please pray for us the week of August 2 as we have a great VBS because God is always with you and me!


Dear God,

You gave us the armor for us to be protected as we tell others about you.  Guide each of us as we grow in faith and ARMOR UP!  Amen


