Joshua 22:5

“Take good care to observe the commandment and instruction that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, to love the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to keep his commandments, and to hold fast to him, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.”


Relationships have shifted in my family this July. New titles and new roles are stepped into, like a new pair of shoes---running, dancing, hiking, marching, golfing or the toe wiggling summer sandals we look forward to each year.  We have something in mind when we choose our footwear.  I’m not sure what shoes will support my new role as grandmother.  I think I’ll need them all. 

Fortunately, I have had great role models to emulate. Unconditional love and a home where faith in God was woven into each day. I have big shoes to fill. A new, precious relationship to build and many opportunities to teach and share God’s love for this new little person and everyone in God’s creation.

For my granddaughter, I will pray for many loving guides for her journey in this life.  Surrounding her will be her family, a community of faith-filled people. And a family of Christ made up of friends and relatives, neighbors, a faith community and many others she will meet along the way. May they be spirit filled guides to direct her steps on a life-long journey as a child of God.


Dear God, bless the young lives we are entrusted to guide, whether they are connected to us through blood, friendship, our faith community or our community within a particular neighborhood or city where we live or travel.  Let us shine your light and walk in your ways in all that we do. In your name we pray, Amen.


The Knights of North Castle


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