…they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit. – Acts 6:5b


In worship on Sunday, we’ll hear the story of Stephen. The church considered Stephen the first martyr, as his bold proclamation of faith led to angering a large crowd that rose up to kill him. His story reminds us that declaring faith does not guarantee safety or ease in life. In fact, we might face great challenge and accusation as we faithfully do the work to which God has called us.  

Just before this difficult story, we hear how Stephen came to a position of power. At the beginning of Acts 6, we learn that the early church faced a challenge. As many people came to faith, more and more believers needed to be cared for. Some of the believers – namely, those who had not been part of the Hebrew faith tradition before becoming Christian – felt ignored and mistreated in their time of need. The disciples realized that there needed to be more direct leadership of this work. They couldn’t do everything the church needed to serve their mission and ministry. Therefore, the early church chose seven people – including Stephen – to take over this work. 

Since its beginning, the Christian church has needed people to serve in a variety of ways. The church was never meant to have just one person, or even one group of people, do all the work and make all the decisions. If we believe in the work of the Holy Spirit through the entire church (and we do!), then we must recognize that God works through all of us in a variety of ways to do the work to which God calls us.


So, a few things to consider based on this:

1.     This Sunday, Easter Lutheran will have its annual meeting. If you’re a member of the congregation, I urge you to attend. Part of our work will be to elect leadership for this congregation, specifically to the Vision Board and Financial Board. Please keep these nominees and the process close in your prayers. Those called to serve will need our ongoing prayers and support

2.     Maybe you aren’t getting elected to a position, but you’re still called to serve. What’s one way you can be more engaged in the life of this congregation? What gifts, skills, and interests do you have that can help this church do its work? How can you be involved in a meaningful way?

3.     This congregation has people working as confirmation small group leaders, sound booth technicians, Homework Help tutors, quilters, scripture readers in worship, and so much more. Keep all this congregation’s volunteers in your prayers as they do their work. We are meant to lift each other up in our diverse work in this congregation.


Together, we continue to grow in faith and carry on the work of Jesus Christ. In service, prayer, leadership, and love, we keep doing the work of the church.


Let us pray:

God, as you called Stephen and others to the work of the wider church, call to us today. Help us to hear where you send us so we might serve you and our neighbors faithfully. Strengthen the work of our congregation and its many ministries so that your gospel would be preached and lived vibrantly, now and always. Amen.


From JAM to Confirmation: The 5th Grade Celebration is April 25
