From JAM to Confirmation: The 5th Grade Celebration is April 25

“Where does the time go?” is a common phrase we hear and say often. Have you ever caught yourself on auto-pilot when life gets crazy, maybe losing sight of the bigger picture God hopes we focus on? There’s no way to get around being tired or busy at some point - especially as a parent - but the important thing is to surround yourself and your family with a supportive, faithful community. 


During worship this weekend, you will see the celebration of Easter Lutheran’s community of 5th graders, who are taking a big step as they close out their Jesus And Me (JAM) journey and prepare to take on their first year of confirmation next fall. As an Easter family, our goal is to clear the path for them through encouragement, our presence (in-person or virtual!), and help them continue growing in faith. 


Wondering how you can support the kids of Easter? Here are two simple ways you can give back:

  • Pray for them. Prayers go a long way.

  • Volunteer (email Easter is always in need of small group leaders for JAM or Confirmation.


I hope you’ll join us in-person or online this weekend to witness the 5th grade celebration. Please join me in prayer: 

Dear God,

Help us all to grow and take the next step in faith.  We pray for the 5th graders, their parents and small group leaders as they take the next step as they dive deep into their faith. Amen.


ACTS 15:9
