Above all, maintain constant love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins. – 1 Peter 4:8


Last weekend I went to a friend’s wedding. I put on my dress clothes, sparkly earrings, and red lipstick, and I started up my computer. My beautiful friend and her handsome husband made the difficult, loving choice to have only a few people present at their outdoor wedding; the rest of us attended via Zoom. Talking with her later, she expressed sadness at not having every person they love be physically present at the ceremony – but also joy at being able to share the day with them in some way. 

Today, my husband and I celebrate our wedding anniversary. I got to get married in the same church in which I was baptized, took first communion, confirmed, and later ordained. Our ceremony united our lives and our friends and families. While I think back about things like  how much I loved my dress and flowers and how fun the dance was, I realize that the most important thing that day was the presence of our loved ones.

These days, those connections mean more than ever. We all long for closeness and companionship in a time when distance keeps us all healthy and safe. Whether it’s missed playdates or resigned wedding dates, our changed schedules draw attention to the importance of loving relationships in our lives. We can lament that we can’t physically be together right now, or we can make the most of this time and be able to share love with those we treasure right now in safe, meaningful ways.

Don’t wait for the end of this pandemic to tend to your relationships. Make some phone calls. Send some cards. Show up in someone’s driveway and deliver a small (and sanitized!) care package. Let the people you love know it. Show how you care; no gesture is too small. This constant love is an image of God’s love among us, and we need those reminders more than ever.


Let us pray:

God, you call us together and nurture our relationships. Show us how much we need each other. Bind us to each other in love, friendship, family, and companionship. Let our care for each other be your love at work through us. Amen.


