…like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. – 1 Peter 2:5


It has been a joy to gather in person for worship in the backyard at the Lake and in the parking lot at the Hill. But unfortunately, Minnesota makes continuing those worship styles very uncomfortable. For the sake of our determined volunteers and worship leaders, not to mention our hearty worshipers themselves, it’s time to close that season of worship.

For two weeks, we will only worship online. I give thanks for the technology, resources, knowledge, and hard work that makes this form of worship possible. It’s allowed us to continue worship in a new era where we stay safely distant but unite in prayer, hope, music, and encouragement. This style of worship will continue for us through the pandemic and possibly beyond into whatever worship life looks like afterwards.

But on November 15, we’ll also begin to worship indoors. We want to provide a worship opportunity for those who simply cannot worship online, either because they cannot access the service or because they have not been able to fully adapt. While online worship will remain our primary form of worship, as it is safest for all, our staff has worked hard to plan a service at each site that will sustain us in this pandemic.

My greatest concern remains the safety and health of our staff and volunteers, as they will be at the highest exposure and risk during indoor worship. We will continue to offer something as long as we can maintain a level of reasonable safety. Please help us do this by following the protocols, including preregistering for worship, wearing a mask at all times, maintaining a minimum of six feet between your household and anyone else, following the directions of volunteers, and staying home if you’re not well or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for covid. 

Because of these restrictions, I know that worship won’t look like you remember or expect. I hope you can set those expectations aside for now. Instead, whether you worship online or inside, see it as a new thing in a new time. Allow it to speak to your heart of the presence of our God through all circumstances. Trust that worship can take many forms that remain holy, powerful, and true. 

Watch for more information and guidelines. If it is the safe, wise choice for you in love for God and your neighbor, I will see you in worship.


Let us pray:

What a joy and privilege to worship you, God! Open my heart to new ways to praise your name and serve your people. Keep me faithful to you and focused on caring for others as I learn how to worship in this season. In all things, in all ways, I trust in you. Amen.


Trusting God’s Provision During Anxious Times
