Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. – 1 John 4:20 


As I write these words, our President has just been impeached for a second time. A week ago from this very moment, I sat shocked as I watched images of an anti-democratic mob invading our nation’s capital. I am painfully aware of the news reports of promised additional violence and intimidation through the weekend and right up to Inauguration Day. Credible threats on the lives not only of elected officials but their families fill me with horror and dread.  

As another church leader friend of mine says often, I’d just like to live in precedented times again.  

But I have to stop, breathe, and remind myself not to think beyond the news reports. I am a person of faith. The news must constantly lead me into the question: what is God up to and how does God call me to be a part of it? This kind of theological reflection helps take us past our own sense of overwhelm and panic and into an awareness of God’s presence and power in any situation.  

If we believe that God can work in and through any situation – and we do – then we must pay attention for God’s call even in this time of chaos and panic. To what does God call you in this time? This doesn’t need to add extra obligation or guilt to your already-stressed life. It simply states the truth: you are not alone or powerless, because your God goes with you.   

Because we love God, we also act out of love for others. Love isn’t permissive or dismissive. Love requires honesty, reconciliation centered in reparative action, and clear boundaries. Today, love might look like calling out lies. It might look like praying for justice. It might look like insisting on consequences for words and actions. It might look like a counterprotest. It might look like a post-it note by your desk reminding you to choose love. It might look like putting your phone away for an hour to focus on those closest to you.   

Love looks like many things. But it must truly be centered in compassion and justice. It must want what is best not just for one or a few, but for all. It must continually go back to God’s words and be accountable to God’s guidance. It is hard work, friends, but the work of love is worth it. May it guide us into whatever unprecedented times are ahead. 


Let us pray: 

God our Creator, the one who calls us together, bless your people in this and any country. Draw us together, not so that we ignore our differences and pretend we have never hurt each other, but so that we can value each other and be reconciled as beloved siblings. Bring us your peace and may it call us to true love in Christ’s name. Amen. 


