From Pastor Megan Torgerson

“For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than live in the tents of wickedness.” – Psalm 84:10

When we started doing outdoor worship regularly, the pastors decided that only those with an active part in worship would be physically present. We want to make sure that at least one of us could stay out of quarantine we become exposed to coronavirus. A couple of weeks ago, I was the one who stayed home. However, because my family and I love the drive-in service, we decided not to worship from home, but instead, to come to the Hill parking lot for worship.

Pastors don’t usually get to simply worship at church. First of all, we’re usually leading it. Secondly, even if we do come without a job to do, we usually end up working anyway. But when I pulled into the parking lot at the Hill, I was just another car in the lot. I could sit back, sing the hymns, and pass snacks back to my daughters like a regular old worshiper.

I have loved online worship. Easter has done an incredible job of offering dynamic, meaningful, high-quality worship that connects us to God while keeping us safely distanced. However, something felt so vital about physically being there that Sunday morning – even if that there was a parking lot instead of a sanctuary. I had to put on my shoes, get in the car, and show up alongside other worshipers. I had to make intentional choices to get to my weekly worship.

I realized that my own worship practices had slouched a little. Showing up to the parking lot at a designated time on a Sunday to worship reminded me that it is a privilege and honor to praise God. While showing up at the church helped me remember that, I know I can nurture that practice no matter where I worship.

How can you add something sacred, special, and set-aside to your Sunday worship patterns? Can you set a designated worship time and make sure you watch worship online at the same time each week? Can you light a few candles at your kitchen table before you press play? Can you gather your family for prayer before and after worship? Can you call a friend and stay on the phone together while you watch? Maybe it’s as easy as switching from your pajama pants to your daytime sweatpants before you log on. Whatever it is, let it help you remember that it is an honor and joy to worship God, no matter where we are.

Let us pray:

You are amazing, God. You invite me to be in relationship with you, and I thank you for that love. Inspire me to even greater devotion and open my eyes to the holiness of being in your presence, no matter where I find myself. Amen.


