Being Church by Pastor Megan Torgerson

“When I remember you in my prayers, I always thank my God because I hear of your love for all the saints and your faith toward the Lord Jesus.” – Philemon 1:4-5

I’ve had the great privilege of receiving powerful intercessory prayer from some incredible women of faith throughout my life. Mary, Millie, Bev, Donna, Janet, Jackie, and Flora have all testified to their ongoing prayers for my family, ministry, and well-being. I value this discipline so much. I aspire to know their devotion and discipleship in my own prayer life.

It’s why I’ve started offering Monday Morning Devotions on Facebook Live. Every Monday at 9 am, I go live on Easter’s Facebook page. I’ll share a story with you, I’ll offer a devotional reading, and then we’ll get to the work of dynamic prayer. I hope you’ll log on at that time and put your prayer requests in the chat so I can pray for you and your loved ones in real time. If you can’t be there right at 9 am, I still welcome your prayer requests in the video comments. Everyone can read these comments, whether live or later, and offer their own prayers for all the people and places close to our hearts.

When we must stay distant to keep each other safe, it can be hard to feel heard. While personal, private prayer means just as much as public, corporate prayer, we all know the value of gathering together to bring our joys and concerns to God. I’m grateful for the gift of technology that makes it possible for us to be together, raise our voices, offer our petitions, and praise our God in the holy work of intercessory prayer.

So join me on Easter’s Facebook page every Monday at 9 am. Or, if you can’t be there right then, check out the video later in the day or week. No matter how you connect, you can be a part of this important work for the sake of our loved ones, congregation, community, country, and world.

Let us pray:
God, I know your Spirit intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words. Make me bold to bring my hopes and fears before you. Join me with the communion of saints on earth and in heaven as I pray. Keep me faithful to you in prayer and service. Amen.


