Hello Easter! It’s a new year, 2021! So what’s new, what’s changed, what will you do differently, what will you do the same?

I am not a resolution maker, I know many of the habits I’d like to change (eating too many sweets, eating late at night, not exercising everyday, more time in prayer), making a resolution about those things hasn’t yet worked in my life. Instead I have chosen to make small adjustments and celebrate when they become habits.

One habit I’ve been able to keep is taking time to reflect. Every day my Bible app pops up a verse of the day and instead of dismissing the notification I take a few minutes to read that verse and think about how it’s reflecting my life. I am often amazed that something has happened in the last day that resembles the verse. Some days I get just a couple minutes to reflect and just that bit of time helps remind me of all that I’m grateful for. I would love to spend more time studying the Bible and learning how to apply it’s lessons in my life.

I’m going to try to make adjustments this year to spend more time walking and exercising, less time eating things that aren’t good for me. Even if those adjustments don’t become habits, I’m not going to give up on me.

Easter staff and pastors have been planning for the new year! If you are looking for ways to engage please take a little time to explore the website. Some options are:

  • Join a Life Group

  • Study the Gospel of Luke with Pastor Steve

  • Wednesday Women’s Bible Study

  • MANUP men’s ministry

  • Who Is My Neighbor? sessions led by Pastors Brandon and Megan

  • Monday Devotions on Facebook Live with Pastor Megan

  • Soul Sisters for women of all ages

  • Thursday lunch breaks on Facebook Live with Pastor Steve

  • Coffee with a Pastor

  • Good Guilt vs. Bad Guilt

  • Join JAM, Jesus and Me, for kids and parents

  • Table Talk

  • Volunteer with one of Easter’s partners

  • and more!

No matter what you do I hope you are able to do something that makes you feel great!

Something that helps heal your heart, your body, your mind, or your soul.

Happy New Year!

Amy Peschong


