Dear our Beloved Friends at Easter Parish;

I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ. We would like to thank God for his Mercy and blessings to our life. We would like to tell you that we feel sorry for the challenge of the Pandemic disease of COVID 19. We know that your country is in a big challenge, we are Praying for you so that God can heal you and save you from this problem. We believe in God that things are going to end soon. Even though the situation is not conducive we believe that you will celebrate the Christmas and New Year season with Hope and Joy from God. AMEN

We also thank God that this year has been the good year to us because the church has increased her congregants.  We planned to baptize 80 Congregants and by the grace of God we have got 191 people which is more that 200% of the plan. Up to this time we have this number of Christians; Adults are 779 where by 528 Women and 252 Men. Children are 560 where by 336 girls and 224 boys.


1.     We have increased the number of Christian. 191 Christians have increased. Music instruments have been very supportive on this.

2.      We have built the new building of the church at Kibirala preaching point which is typical for pastoralists. The building has been roofed and we continue with finishing of plaster and other things. The whole work has costed  1,700,000Tsh which is almost equals to 735$usd.

3.     We have started to build another Church Building at Mpilipili Preaching point, we have built the foundation and up to now we have used  4,384,000Tshs which is almost equals to 1,890$usd, the coming year of 2021 we expect to continue with the work of building walls, the work costs 8,900,000Tsh equals to 3,838$usd.

4.     We also present our sincerely thanks to you for the scholarship fund you supported us for this year. Through this fund we have  the following outcomes:

  • Students who have completed Form four are 11

  • Those who have joined Form Five are 2

  • Those who are at the college are 3

  • Studying TEE are 7

  • Continuing students at secondary schools are 12

5.     Receive our thanks also for the money you sent to us for the renovation of the Hostels, we received it and up to now we have spend more than 5,000,000Tshs including the man power. We continue with this good work! 



We have a big plan of Evangelism to Nyanzwa village and other neighbor villages. This evangelism is by using Open air meeting of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since we have the challenge of transport for the music instruments we request your prayers so that we may get the wheel cargo motorcycle to carry the music instruments up to almost 22 Kilometers

We continue praying for you on this pandemic COVID 19. We also continue to pray for the Church in US so that you may keep on in Faith in Jesus Christ. Our hope is we shall meet one day when you visit us again. We welcome you in Nyanzwa, Iringa, Tanzania and East Africa.


More blessings from God

We wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year of 2021

Yours in love of God

Pastor Yeremia Mponzi

Brandon Newton

Easter Pastor


