Lenten Devotions 2024

For our Lenten devotions this year, we want to pair the incredible stories of faith we find in scripture with the incredible stories of generosity found in Easter people. For this devotion, you’ll need access to a Bible (let us know if you need one!) and a copy of the “Generosity Brings Joy Storybook” that was distributed on January 28 during Inspiration Team visits. If you need a new copy, please contact the church office or go to easter.org/onesite for an online version.

The questions paired with devotion can be used in many ways. You may wish to use them as conversation starters with your life group, at the dinner table, or in a meeting. You may find them meaningful as Bible study tools or journaling prompts. You may use them to prepare your heart and mind for worship. They may serve as ways to enter a time of prayer and reflection. There is no one way to use them.

Even the schedule of the study can be whatever you need it to be. Included are devotions for every Wednesday and Sunday in Lent. Whether you use them daily or weekly, many times or once, or even need to skip a week and come back to it, it’s meant to be a tool that supports your faith.

It is our prayer that God’s word will continue to live in your words and actions, inspired by the faithful witness of other Christians and for the sake of the world God so loves.

Printed versions available at Welcome areas of each site. Online with button below.