Grow Guide | May 8, 2022

Life In His Name

Acts 16:16-34

Connecting Questions

What thoughts or emotions come to you when you hear the word “prison”? Why? 

  • Have you ever read a book or watched a movie about an innocent person being falsely accused and put in prison? How does a story like that affect you? 


We continue our series Life in His Name by jumping to another story in the life of Paul. Last week we met him under his Hebrew name, Saul, and witnessed his dramatic conversion to become a disciple of Jesus. Now he goes by his Greek name, Paul. 

Since his conversion experience, Paul has had a time of personal instruction from the risen Christ and has traveled across the region of Galatia (southern Turkey on our maps) planting churches in Gentile villages. He and his companion, Silas, are called by the Holy Spirit to cross the Aegean Sea to a Roman Colony called Philippi. Here they meet a wealthy woman named Lydia who trusts the good news of Jesus and welcomes them into her home. 

Look at the Book 

  • Read Acts 16:16-18. 

    • Who is this girl? Read verse 16 carefully and try to imagine what her life might be like. 

    • Why do you think Paul was annoyed with the girl? 

    • What did Paul do for her? 

  • Read Acts 16:19-24. 

    • Why were the slave-owners upset? 

    • What accusations were brought against Paul and Silas? 

    • What consequences were given as a result of the judgment? 

    • Why do you think the government reacted so severely to Paul and Silas? 

  • Read Acts 16:25-34.  

    • What are Paul and Silas doing in the darkness of prison? 

    • How are the prisoners set free? 

    • How does the jailer respond to this event? Why is he afraid? 

    • Where does the jailer take Paul and Silas after he trusts Jesus? 

  • Read Luke 4:16-19.  

    • How might Jesus’ proclamation in Luke 4 connect to our story in Acts 16? 

    • Who was set free in this story? 

Taking it Home 

  • This story exposes some of the darkest aspects of the human condition: slavery, the misuse of the justice system for economic power, bigotry and scapegoating. In what ways have you seen the fear of losing economic power motivate people to do harm? 

  • This story also exposes the liberating power of the Holy Spirit. A slave-girl is set free. The foundations of the prison are shaken as God is worshipped there. The jailer is set free from his oppressive system. In what ways can we be more aware of the people in our society who are being manipulated by economic systems and suffering injustices as a result, and what does the good news of Jesus have to say about it? 

Steve Thomason

Easter Pastor


Grow Guide | May 15, 2022


Grow Guide | May 1, 2022