Grow Guide | October 17

God Is - We Are

Genesis 21:8-19 

Connecting Questions 

  • Can you think of a time when someone in your life was really envious of another person? How did that story play out? 

  • When you think about our current society, who would you consider the “forgotten” people? Why? 


This week we continue our series God Is...We Are… by looking at a tragic story about Hagar and Ishmael in Genesis chapter 21. Remember, God promised Abraham and Sarah that Sarah would have a son. Sarah was past child-bearing years and the couple found it difficult to believe this was possible. They took matters into their own hands, and Sarah offered her Egyptian slave--Hagar--to Abraham and he had a son with her. The son’s name was Ishmael. 

Fourteen years later, Sarah miraculously conceives and gives birth to her own son, Isaac. As you read through this story, notice what happens to Sarah, Abraham and Hagar and how God treats each of them. 

Look at the Book 

  • Read Genesis 21:8-19. 

  • What was Sarah’s attitude toward Ishmael in verse 8-10? Why? 

  • Why do you suppose Abraham was distressed about Sarah’s request regarding Ishmael (read Genesis 17:15-22 for clues)? 

  • What does God intend to do through Isaac? Why? 

  • What does Abraham do with Hagar and Ishmael (verse 14)? 

  • How does Hagar expect their story to end (verses 15-16)? 

  • How does God treat Hagar and Ishmael (verses 17-19)? Why? 

Taking it Home 

  • Abraham and Sarah have made most of their decisions thus far based on fear. Abraham lies twice about Sarah being his wife (yes, he did it again in Genesis 20). Sarah offers her slave to Abraham. Now, Sarah is afraid of Ishmael. Her fear leads to the abuse of innocent people. How often, and in what ways, does fear dominate decisions in our society? 

  • Who are the people in our world that would fall into the category of Hagar and Ishmael; the ones forgotten, marginalized, and left for dead? Why do you think it is like that? 

  • Based upon God’s attitude toward Hagar and Ishmael (and Jesus’ example of how he treated the marginalized), how should disciples of Jesus treat those whom society has marginalized? 

  • Based on this story, fill in the blanks, God is_______, We are _________. 


Grow Guide | October 24


Grow Guide | October 10