Grow Guide | November 28

Rebuilding Hope

Isaiah 9:1-7 

Connecting Questions 

  • What are you waiting for right now? How does it feel to wait? 

  • What, if any, are your traditions around the season of Advent? 


This week we begin a new 8-week series called Restoring Hope. This series begins in the season of Advent, walks us through Christmas and Epiphany, then ends on Jesus’ baptism in January. 

Our journey begins in Isaiah, the first prophetic book. A prophet was a person, called by God, who spoke truth to power. When we read the prophets it is like reading the sermon manuscripts of a preacher. They like to speak in powerful, dramatic poetry (it’s not so popular now). 

Isaiah lived in Jerusalem, the capital of the southern kingdom of Judah. The Assyrian Empire had destroyed the Northern Kingdom of Israel and was headed toward Jerusalem. The people were afraid and confused. They needed a word of hope. 

Look at the Book 

  • Read Isaiah 9:1-7 

  • Zebulun, Naphtali, and Galilee were the at the northern part of the Kingdom of Israel. They were the first people to fall into the hands of the Assyrians. How does Isaiah talk about these people? 

  • Read verse 4 again. How is the condition of the people described? What has God done for them? 

  • Rephrase verse 5 in your own words. 

  • Is the birth of the child in verse 6 in the future tense or past tense? How is this child described? What will this child do for the people? 

  • Who might this child be? What purpose does the description of this child play in the context of the threat coming to Jerusalem? 

  • It is important to note that Isaiah 6:6-7 is not specifically referring to Jesus. It is most likely referring to King Hezekiah who would grow up to be a good king that would defer the destruction of Jerusalem. However, he, nor any of the kings who followed him, lived up to the description given here. We, as followers of Jesus, now believe that Jesus fulfilled this description and is the Messiah that Israel awaited. 

Taking it Home 

  • Who are people in our world today that still have the “yoke of their burden, the bar across their shoulders, and the rod of their oppressor” beating down on them? How might Christ, the Messiah, living through us help light the light of hope in their lives? 

  • In what places of your life do you sit in darkness, wait, and need someone to light the light of hope for you? 


Grow Guide | December 5


Grow Guide | November 21