Grow Guide | Nov 24, 2024

According To Your Word

Christ the King Sunday

Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34


Connecting Question

What is something that speaks to your heart? Why?

What breaks your heart? Why? 

Prayer for Illumination

God of Peace, You have made your Son Lord of the nations. By your Holy Spirit, conform the hearts of rulers and people to the heart of Christ; and let his peace reign undisturbed in every land. Amen.



This season at Easter, our sermon series According To Your Word, will look at God’s promises. God’s promises have always been with us, guiding us, challenging us, and foretelling the coming of Jesus! "Christ the King Sunday" refers to the last Sunday of the liturgical year in the Lutheran Church, where Christians celebrate Jesus Christ as the ultimate ruler and king over all creation, marking a time to reflect on his reign and authority; it is observed on the final Sunday before Advent begins.


From Dr Terry Fretheim at

Remember that the original audience for the book of Jeremiah is fundamentally different from the audience for the preaching of Jeremiah (even if some people were a part of both audiences). Readers of the book (and from every subsequent generation) are to hear Jeremiah’s life and words not so much as past event, but as present word of God to them. Take especially into account the type of literature contained therein, especially its poetry and its prose. Recall that this literature centers on God’s indictment of people’s lives, the announcement of judgment, and, on the far side of disaster, a word of promise.

Look at the Book  

  • Open to Jeremiah 31. Much of Jeremiah are judgments of the people Israel. Given your experience of the Christian faith, what might make God pass judgment on people? Why?

  • This section of the book of Jeremiah is called “the book of consolation.” What does that word mean? Why is it powerful?

  • Open to 2 Corinthians 1:4. The word “consolation” is mentioned here. What does this mean in this context?

  • Google the song “Jeremiah” by local Minnesotan artist Sara Groves. What words or phrases stand out to you? Why?

  • Notice how the words in this passage change from prose to verse (paragraphs to shorter lines). Why the change?

  • Read Jeremiah 31:31. The word “covenant” is key to this passage. What does this word mean? What is an example of a covenant today?

  • What is God going to do to help keep the covenant in verse 32?

  • Why do you think God uses teaching and our hearts?

  • In verse 33, who will “know the Lord?”

  • What kind of questions are being asked in our communities today about God and faith?

  • What will God forget in verse 33? Why?

  • What image does God draw upon in verse 34?

  • How does the changing of seasons affect you?

  • What kind of season is at Easter Lutheran Church? Why?

  • What would you like to talk about that we have not yet?


Taking it Home

Who needs your support and consolation today? Call or text them before bedtime.


God of the promise, you call your people together into your one mission in Christ’s name. Make us brave, grant us peace, challenge our expectations, and empower us to truly follow your Spirit’s lead. You are our one God who calls us together as one people, and we thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Grow Guide | Dec 1, 2024


Grow Guide | Nov 17, 2024