Grow Guide | Nov 19, 2023
Together for Good
Isaiah 5:1-7; 11:1-5
Connecting Questions
What is something you are wise about?
Who has shown you understanding?
Prayer for Illumination
Let us pray, Loving God, we pause today grateful for this next breath. We are grateful for the chance to connect with others today for we all carry such hurts and hope. Open your Word to us. Open our hearts to let your word speak to us and change our lives. We pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.
We are “Together for Good”; God is good! Our fall season we are exploring the way God builds relationships through the stories found in scripture. Come explore the many opportunities to grow in faith and carry on the work of Jesus Christ at Easter. So glad you are here!
Sermons can be found at
From Pastor Fred Gaiser at
Isaiah is the longest and most important of the prophetic books. It covers a long period of Israel’s history (before, during, and after the exile) and offers the full range of God’s prophetic message: terrifying words of judgment and comforting words of promise. Isaiah portrays God as the powerful Creator, like no other, and also the gentlest comforter, like an earthly lover or mother. Isaiah is taken up in the New Testament more fully than any other prophet.
Look at the Book
Open to the book Isaiah. He is a prophet. What does that mean to you?
Isaiah is primarily divided into two books, which starts in chapter 40. Much of Isaiah are words of warning to the people for turning their back on God. What has been your experience of someone turning their back on you?
Chapter 5 opens with a powerful metaphor of a vineyard. Who is represented and how?
One element of the metaphor is a tower for protection. How do you see God’s protection active in the world?
Verse 2, we begin to see judgement. The vineyard owner expected grapes, but what did they get?
Because of this disappointment, what does God plan to do in verses 3-6?
Verse 7 has beautiful wordplay at the end. What is “hoped for” and what is? How does this make you feel?
Fast forward to Isaiah 11:1. Google who Jesse is. Why does he appear here?
This chapter talks about an ideal ruler. What qualities would be on your list. At the end, compare to the other verses in this chapter.
Where have you heard the words of verse 11:2? In our baptism service! Why might we pray this over every child who is baptized?
Verse 11:2 shows us how God sees. Read also 1 Samuel 16:7. What do we learn there?
Verse 5 takes violent acts and transforms them how? What is being used?
The Bible is often called “the Word of God.” Words matter. They can harm and heal. How have you seen that?
Lutherans understand the word of God in three key ways: the 66 books of the Old and New Testament, Jesus himself (as the Word made flesh), and the proclamation of forgiveness of sins in Jesus’s name. Which one are you drawn to? Why?
What clothing will be worn by this ideal king in verse 5. Why are they essential?
What do you want to talk about that has not been brought up yet?
Taking it Home
No leader is perfect, but what qualities do we need in leaders at this moment in history?
Invite someone—adult or child—to consider being baptized at Easter. Your invitation may be all they need to take that next step in faith!