Grow Guide | May 22, 2022

Life In His Name

Philippians 1: 1-18a

Connecting Questions 

  • Have you ever received and encouraging letter from a friend? Share the story. How did it make you feel? 

  • Share a time when you may have experienced a difficult situation and wondered where God was in it and/or how God could bring anything good out of it. 


We continue our series Life in His Name this week by jumping into a letter that the Apostle wrote to the church in Philippi. Remember, two weeks ago, Paul planted this church in Acts 16 in Lydia’s house. He and Silas were imprisoned there and God broke them out of jail and the jailer’s household became part of that church. 

Now Paul finds himself in prison again. We don’t know, with certainty, which imprisonment of Paul’s this was (he had many). The common view is that Paul is writing from his time of house arrest in Rome that happens in Acts 28:16-31.  

Look at the Book 

  • Read Philippians 1:1-11.  

    • How would you describe Paul’s relationship with and feelings toward the people in Philippi? 

    • What is Paul’s specific prayer for the people (verses 9-11)? How might you rewrite this prayer in your own words? 

  • Read Philippians 1:12-18a. 

    • What is Paul’s perspective on his current imprisonment? 

    • How has this imprisonment helped to spread the Good News of Jesus? 

    • What are the two motivations people have for proclaiming Jesus? 

    • What is Paul’s attitude toward those who are against him? Why? 

Taking it Home 

  • Who are some people that you could pray for like Paul prayed in verses 9-11? How will you communicate those thoughts to them? 

  • Paul chooses to rejoice, even in the midst of imprisonment. What are some things that might make it difficult for us to rejoice in our own difficult circumstances?  

  • How can you pray for each other to find a way to see God at work in your life, even in the middle of a difficult time. 


Grow Guide | May 29, 2022


Grow Guide | May 15, 2022