Grow Guide | June 12, 2022

Life In His Name

Holy Trinity - John 16:7-15  

Connecting Questions 

  • What are some of the first things that come to your mind when you hear the word “Trinity?” 

  • Make a list of some things about life that you trust to be true, but you couldn’t possibly explain how they work. 


We conclude our worship series Life in His Name this week by observing another Holy Day on the Liturgical Calendar. This is Holy Trinity Sunday. It is the day when we recognize one of the most confusing teachings of the Christian tradition. 

Our text for this week takes us back to the Gospel of John. Jesus is in the upper room with his disciples. They have just eaten their last supper together before Jesus is arrested and executed. The disciples are terrified and confused. Jesus speaks words of comfort to them as a teacher and mentor would speak to a group of scared children. 

Look at the Book 

  • The reading for this week is John 16:7-15. However, it would be helpful to start reading in chapter 13 in order to get the full context for Jesus’ words. At least read 16:1-6 first. What terrible thing does Jesus say will most likely happen to the disciples as a result of following him? 

  • Read John 16:7-15. 

  • Why is it to the disciples’ advantage for Jesus to leave them? 

  • The phrase “prove the world wrong about” in verse 8 can also be translated “expose” or “bring into the light.” How might this translation help to understand verses 8-10? 

  • What will the Spirit of Truth do when he comes? 

  • Jesus names the Father, himself, the Spirit, and the disciples in verse 15. Describe these relationships. 

Taking it Home 

A quick summary of the Trinity (as if that’s possible): 

Simply put, as Christians, we acknowledge that the Bible is a primary source of truth about God. The Bible says that there is only ONE true God. Yet, Jesus acknowledged having a relationship with God--whom he called Abba--and said he would send the Holy Spirit. All of these persons are divine. So, which is it? Is there one God, or three divine persons--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? The answer...YES. We call it the Holy Trinity, and like all ultimate truths in the universe, we can’t actually explain it, we can only talk about it, us faulty analogies, and live in its life-giving reality. 

Here’s something practical to think about the Trinity and how it relates to our everyday life. God is the loving, dynamic relationship of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is love, and love is relationships. All things are created and continually being created from this loving relationship and are being invited into a loving relationship. In other words: 

  • You are the product of God’s love and, thus worthy to be loved. 

  • You are invited to recognize that you are interconnected with all things, all the time, and that we all need each other. 

  • You are invited to love others the way that God loves you. 

  • Let’s be God’s self-giving love, as demonstrated in Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit today. 


Grow Guide | June 19, 2022


Grow Guide | June 5, 2022