Grow Guide | July 17, 2022

Word of Life

John 9:1-41  

Connecting Questions 

  • Imagine that you were at the scene of a car accident and you saw it happen. If a police officer took your statement, what would you be expected to say? 

  • Has anything ever happened to you that some people might think was too good to be true? Tell the story. 


This summer we are experiencing various passages of scripture that have been chosen by the preacher because the text has a particular meaning to that preacher. This week we look at a passage from the Gospel of John found in chapter 9. It is important to note that this story happens immediately after Jesus was in a debate with the religious leaders in Jerusalem (see chapter 8). The leaders were angry with Jesus, they called him a blasphemer, and they attempted to stone him to death. Jesus got away from them and then encounters the man in our story.  

Look at the Book 

  • Read John 9. It is long, but it is a good story. 

  • How did Jesus heal the man so that he could see (verses 6-7)? Why do you think Jesus used this method to heal him?  

  • Who questioned the man about how he was healed in verses 8-12? Did they believe him? 

  • Who questioned the man in verses 13-17? What day was it? Did they believe him? 

  • Who did the leaders interrogate in verses 18-23? Why? 

  • When he is questioned a second time by the leaders, what is the man’s testimony (verse 27)? 

  • Why do the leaders have a hard time believing the man’s testimony in verse 24-34? 

  • How does Jesus use physical blindness as a spiritual metaphor in verses 25-41? How do the religious leaders respond? 

Taking it Home 

  • Why do you think some people who claim to be Christians today might find it hard to tell someone who is not a Christian about Jesus? 

  • The man in this story had a personal encounter with Jesus that transformed his life. He couldn’t explain it. All he could do was testify to what he experienced. If someone were to ask you, “Tell me about Jesus,” what would you say? 

  • In what ways might you be able to share your story of who Jesus is in your life with other people this week? 

Steve Thomason

Easter Pastor


Grow Guide | July 24, 2022


Grow Guide | July 10, 2022