GROW Guide January 3, 2021

Meeting Jesus- Jesus as a boy in the temple

Luke 2: 41-52

Opening Question: Describe your 12-year-old self.  What were you like physically, emotionally, relationally, etc.?


Context: This story is the only Biblical account of Jesus’ life during childhood.  The fact that Luke tells us that Jesus is 12 during this story lets us know he was still a child and hadn’t yet taken on the responsibility or learning of a 13-year-old in his day. 


Discussion Questions:

1.     Describe the scene.  What was happening?  Why were they in Jerusalem?  Who were they with? 

2.     Where was Jesus found?  What was Jesus’ response to his parents when they found him?  What do you think Jesus meant by this response? 

3.     What was Jesus doing when Mary and Joseph found him?  What do you think the teachers and Jesus were talking about?

4.     If you are a parent, what do you think it means to partner with God in raising our children?  Is it easy or hard for you to trust God with your kids?


Take Home Questions:

The fact that we know so little about Jesus’ early years tells us that there was nothing that drew attention or fame in Jesus’ childhood.  His life was either typical of childhood or hidden from us.  Luke chose this story to tell us something of Jesus’ youth. What do you think we can gain from this one story?


GROW Guide January 10, 2021