Grow Guide | Jan 9, 2023

The Great Teacher 

Matthew 4:1-11


Connecting Questions

Do you create New Year’s resolutions? Why or why not?

Name a temptation you struggle with in your life. What false promises does this temptation make (for example, “Once I have more stuff, I will feel more secure”)?



We’re in the second week of our worship series called “The Great Teacher.” Each week we will focus on what we learn from Jesus through stories in the book of Matthew. We’re also in the liturgical season of Epiphany, which emphasizes how Jesus is revealed to us as the Messiah through scripture. The color of Epiphany is green, which symbolizes life and growth. How does this connect to Easter Lutheran Church’s mission statement, “To grow in faith and carry on the work of Jesus Christ?” What does Easter need to do as a community to keep learning, growing, serving, and living as our Teacher shows us?  


This week we focus on the story of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness in Matthew chapter 4 (the account of Jesus’ temptation is also recorded in Mark and Luke). Jesus is sent into the wilderness and tempted immediately following his baptism. Jesus’ endurance in the wilderness and his strength in facing temptation provide his followers with a model for how to be disciples. Through this story, we learn that a crucial part of discipleship is trusting in God despite the false promises of the world.


Look at the Book

·      Skim chapters 1-4 of Matthew to understand the context of the temptation story. In the first four chapters in Matthew, Jesus is presented as the Messiah. Why do you think Jesus was sent into the wilderness immediately following his baptism? What does this tell us about Jesus as the Messiah? What does this tell us about baptism and where it leads us?

·      Read Matthew 4:1-11.

  • What is the first temptation (Matthew 4:3)? What is the false promise?

    • §  How does Jesus resist this temptation?

  • What is the second temptation (Matthew 4:5-6)? What is the false promise?

    • How does Jesus resist this temptation?

  • What is the third temptation (Matthew 4:8-9)? What is the false promise?

    • How does Jesus resist this temptation?

  • What do you notice about the ways the devil and Jesus use Scripture? What does that tell us about our own use of Scripture, and the ways we need to be careful with it?

    • Take a deeper look: Jesus quotes Deuteronomy 8:3; 6:16; and 16:13. Why do you think he quotes from the story of the Israelites in the wilderness? How does he handle temptation differently from the Israelites?

  • What tools does Jesus use to resist temptation? How can we also use the same tools when we face temptation?


Taking it Home

Notice what tempts you this week. How can you use Scripture and trust in God to resist these temptations?

Reflect on your baptismal identity. As God said to Jesus, God also says to you, “You are my beloved child, with whom I am well pleased.” How does knowing you’re God’s beloved child help you as you face temptation?


Grow Guide | Jan 22, 2023


Grow Guide | Jan 3, 2023