Grow Guide | Jan 30, 2022

I AM | John 4:1-26

Connecting Questions 

  • Tell about a time when you were really thirsty. How did you feel about water in that moment? 

  • How would you describe/explain the purpose of worship? 


We continue our series, I AM, this week by traveling north from Jerusalem to a Samaritan village named Sychar. There are three significant things to note about this story that frames it for us. First, it happens in Samaria. The Jews hate the Samaritans. Second, it happens at Jacob’s well. Jacob was the ancient father of the Israelites. Third, Jesus speaks to a woman. Men and women were not supposed to be this friendly in public in that culture. In other words, Jesus is breaking all the cultural rules by simply having this conversation. 

Look at the Book 

  • Read John 4:1-6. 

    • Why does Jesus leave Jerusalem? 

    • Where does he stop to rest? 

    • What time of day is it? 

  • Read John 4:7-14. 

    • Why is the woman surprised at this conversation? 

    • What claim does Jesus make about himself in this passage? 

    • How is Jesus’ living water different than normal water? 

  • Read John 4:15-26. 

    • When the woman realizes that Jesus is a prophet, what question does she ask? Why do you think she asked this question? 

    • What are the differences between Samaritans and Jews in regards to worship? 

    • How does Jesus describe true worshippers? 

    • What bold claim does Jesus make in verses 25-26? What does this mean? 

  • It is interesting to compare this scene with the previous scene in John 3:1-21, when Jesus speaks with Nicodemus. Compare and contrast these two scenes: who is talking, where does it take place, when does it happen, what is the result of the conversation? 

Taking it Home 

  • Jesus told Nicodemus, in John 3:16, that God loved the whole world, not just the Jews. The woman at the well represents the world. She is an enemy of the Jews, yet Jesus has a life-giving conversation with her. Who are people in your own life that you might initially be skeptical to speak with about Jesus?  

  • Jesus reframes worship in this conversation. In what ways do our religious differences--between Christian denominations and between Christians and other World Religions--impede our actual relationship with God rather than grow it? What does it mean to worship in Spirit and Truth? 

  • Based on this story, fill in the blank: Jesus is _________. 

This image places our text in the larger context of the complete story of Jesus' interaction with the woman at the well.  

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Grow Guide | Feb 6, 2022


Grow Guide | Jan 23, 2022