Grow Guide | Jan 26, 2025

Text Study for Sunday, January 26, 2025

Series Theme: Unexpected

Reading: Luke 5:1-11


Connecting Question

·       Do you like to fish? Why or why not?

·       Tell about a time you felt like you were in “deep water.”


Prayer for Illumination

Holy and Unexpected God, meet us as we open your word. Help us gather your promises so we can love you and our neighbor. Thank you for the gift of faith and for this next breath. In Jesus’s name, Amen.



This week begins our next sermon series that will bring us to Ash Wednesday, along the way we’ll learn the ways Jesus and his followers did the UNEXPECTED, they often didn’t do the lawful or typical thing. Jesus’ followers often went the wrong direction, yet they were never lost, it took them multiple tries to get it right! How can we learn from their mis-steps? Continue to follow even when we mess up! Remember Jesus doesn’t always follow rules, He is always working in service of God’s promises fulfilled.


From Dr Matt Skinner at

All four Gospels describe Jesus talking about the kingdom (or “reign”) of God, which was probably the most prominent topic in Jesus’ teaching and preaching. The expression reflects language from the Old Testament declaring God’s royal authority and ruling activity. When Jesus announces the coming of God’s kingdom, he indicates that God’s rule extends throughout human society, transforming it and defeating any other powers that might claim to govern or control human lives and hearts.


Look at the Book  

  • Where is Jesus in Luke 5?

  • Where did he come from in Luke 4? What happened?

  • What do you imagine this scene in Luke 5 to look like?

  • What is happening in Luke 4:22?

  • What were people listening to? What does that mean?

  • What is your favorite kind of music? Why?

  • How did Jesus teach? Most rabbis taught while sitting. What might that convey?

  • What might it be like to follow Jesus's command to go back out after working all night?

  • How did Simon respond?

  • What was the result of trusting Jesus?

  • What do “full nets” look like in your life?

  • What do “full nets” look like in the life of our neighbors?

  • Read verse 11. What does that verse mean to you?

  • What would you like to talk about that we have not yet?


Taking it Home

What would it be like for you to pray Simon’s response to Jesus this week?


God of the promise, you call your people together into your one mission in Christ’s name. Make us brave, grant us peace, challenge our expectations, and empower us to truly follow your Spirit’s lead. You are our one God who calls us together as one people, and we thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Grow Guide | February 2, 2025


Grow Guide | Jan 19, 2025