Grow Guide | Jan 12, 2025
Text Study for Sunday, January 12, 2025
Series Theme: In My Father’s House
Reading: Luke 3:2b-6, 15-17, 21-22
Connecting Question
What do you have the power to do?
What don’t you have the power to do?
Prayer for Illumination
by Howard Thurman
When the song of the angels is stilled,
when the star in the sky is gone,
when the kings and princes are home,
when the shepherds are back with their flocks,
the work of Christmas begins:
to find the lost,
to heal the broken,
to feed the hungry,
to release the prisoner,
to rebuild the nations,
to bring peace among the people,
to make music in the heart.
Blessed Epiphany! Now what? The Bible shares only a few stories of Jesus before he starts public ministry. Our next sermon series, In My Father’s House, will explore these stories of Jesus’ childhood and youth where you will learn more about the early years of Jesus’ life. How can we use the lessons to raise young people in faith, grow in our own faith, and listen together for God’s promises among us? Join us as we focus on God’s greatest gift, love in human form.
From Dr Matt Skinner at
Every Gospel tells its story about Jesus with its own particular emphases. Luke calls attention to the prophetic character of Jesus and his ministry. In Luke, Jesus’ preaching often accents issues pertaining to justice and oppression. Jesus’ eventual rejection and death are also portrayed as consequences of his prophetic activity.
Look at the Book
We are given three scenes in this reading. What are they?
For John the Baptist, he quotes from Isaiah. Compare Isaiah to the power by Black Theologian Howard Thurman above (the prayer of illumination). How are they similar or different?
In Luke 3:3, what is the message John is sharing? What does that mean in your own words? How would that message resonate today?
John the Baptist was related to Jesus. How? Why do you think that matters? Google if you need help!
What is John’s location? Have you been there? What was it like?
In scene two, John wrestles with his power and identity. What in verse 15 were people saying about him?
In verse 16, John describes himself. What is his role? Where does his power come from?
Where does our power come from? What can we confuse as sources of power in our lives?
Luke 3:17 is scary! What is John doing with this imagery? What does it say about Jesus?
The final scene is Jesus’s own baptism. Who is present?
A voice says three things to Jesus about his identity. What are they?
Which of those three things spoken over Jesus resonate most with you today? Or, that you need most to hear today?
How does it make you feel to know Jesus was baptized—like you were baptized?
What would you like to talk about that we have not yet?
Taking it Home
Who needs an uplifting word in your life? Call or text them today.
God of the promise, you call your people together into your one mission in Christ’s name. Make us brave, grant us peace, challenge our expectations, and empower us to truly follow your Spirit’s lead. You are our one God who calls us together as one people, and we thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen.