GROW Guide February 28, 2021
The Narrow Way
Luke 13:1-9, 31-35
Opening Question:
Think of a recent disaster or tragedy? How have you heard people make sense of it?
The Jewish population was under Roman rule and Pontius Pilate was the Governor of the region. The people have experienced great suffering and violence sanctioned by the state of Rome. Historically speaking, Jerusalem has been the site of much brutality toward prophets sent as God’s messengers. This violence, however, was done by their own people and leaders.
Discussion Questions:
What event is reported to Jesus? What is Jesus’ response?
What do you think Jesus is trying to help the people understand?
There are assumptions and lies we believe about tragedies. What are some of these lies? What truth is Jesus sharing?
If we focus on our own sin, examine our own heart, we will be confronted by our need to repent. How would you define “repentance”? How is that different from “remorse”?
In verses 6-9, Jesus tells a parable of a fig tree. What do you think this means? What does Jesus want us to learn?
In verses 31-35, we hear Jesus’ sadness over Jerusalem. Of what does he accuse Jerusalem? What does Jesus desire to do with them?
When we repent, God meets us with love. Jesus keeps moving toward the cross for the sake of the world.
by Steve Thomason
Take Home Questions:
It is common for us to see the violence and injustice happening to us at the hand of others. It is much harder for us to look at ourselves and see how we are contributing to the violence and injustice happening to others. Take some time to focus on your own sin, examine your own heart. How might you turn away from sin and change direction, turning toward God and the good to which we are all called? Pray about this change knowing the Holy Spirit is with you giving you strength and guidance.