Grow Guide | Dec 24 & 26, 2021

Rebuilding Hope

Luke 2:1-20 & Luke 2:25-40

Connecting Questions 

  • Share some favorite Christmas memories. What makes this season special for you? 

  • List some things that are better when in person, rather than from a distance via video or phone call. 


Merry Christmas and welcome to the Grow Guide: Christmas Edition. We have two worship services this week. The first is Christmas Eve, then two days later we have our Sunday service. Both sermons will come from Luke 2. Christmas Eve looks at Luke 2:1-20, and Sunday looks at Luke 2:25-40.  

The Gospel of Luke paints of portrait of Jesus where we see him as the child of a poor, simple family. He is born in obscurity and revealed to the shepherds, who are considered among the lower class in that culture. As you read this very familiar story, try to place yourself in the stable. Smell the animals. Feel the coldness of the field among the sheep. Taste the pain and longing in Simeon and Anna’s vigil. The message of Jesus is that God shows up for the outcast and forgotten, to bring healing and hope for the world. 

Look at the Book 

  • Read Luke 2:1-7.  

    • Why did Joseph and Mary have to go to Bethlehem? What does this tell you about the political climate of that day? 

    • Why did Mary have to lay the baby in an animal’s feeding trough? What does this say about Bethlehem in that day? 

  • Read Luke 2:8-20. 

    • What news did the host of angels bring to the shepherds? 

    • Why was this good news? 

  • Read Luke 2:25-35. 

    • What had Simeon been waiting for? 

    • What did Simeon declare about the baby Jesus? 

    • What did Simeon predict when he spoke to Mary? 

  • Read Luke 2:36-40.  

    • What had Anna dedicated her to life to doing? 

    • How did Anna respond when she encountered the baby Jesus? 

Taking it Home 

  • Our theme for Christmas this year is “Love Shows Up.” Why do you think the author of Luke thought it was important to include all these details about the infant Jesus, the manger, the angels, the shepherds, Simeon, and Anna? How does God show up in these stories? 

  • As we emerge from the isolation that the COVID pandemic imposed on us over the last two years, how can we show up for each other to be the hands and feet of God? 


Grow Guide | Jan 2, 2022


Grow Guide | Dec 19, 2021