Grow Guide | Dec 22, 2024

Text Study for Sunday, December 22, 2024

Series Theme: According to Your Word

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Reading: Luke 1:26-38

Connecting Question

·       Who has shared surprising news with you? How did you react?

·       What are you looking forward to this week leading to Christmas?


Prayer for Illumination

God for whom we wait, you come to us in the broken bread and the cup we share. Make us ready always to welcome Christ into our hearts and send us forth to be your people in the world. Amen.



How do we live in trust and hope according to God’s words? Our sermon series, According To Your Word, looks at how God’s promises have always been with us, guiding us, challenging us, and foretelling the coming of Jesus! Our title comes from Mary’s conversation with the Angel Gabriel, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.” Though we may not be asked to do a big thing like this – but then again, we don’t know. God makes big promises and does big things. It is our joy to be a part of it. Join Easter this season to prepare for Christ’s incarnate arrival in the world.



As the Gospel’s opening verses declare, the author of Luke wrote to reinforce a Christian audience’s confidence about what it knew concerning the good news of Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Luke aims to instruct and reassure its readers by telling the story of Jesus in an “orderly” manner, meaning that Luke’s account is arranged and narrated in a way that attempts to express Jesus’ significance. Instead of preaching a long sermon, the book tells a story about Jesus to describe God’s faithfulness, God’s salvation, and God’s purposes for the world.


Look at the Book  

  • What’s a Christmas carol that comforts you?

  • Not as familiar, the hymn “The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came,” is in a minor key. What does it evoke for you?

  • The first stanza. What is happening in Luke 1?

    1 The angel Gabriel from heaven came,
    with wings as drifted snow, with eyes as flame:
    "All hail to thee, O lowly maiden Mary,
    most highly favored lady," Gloria!

  • Listen to the full hymn here: The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came - ELW 265 Tim McNabb - Lutheran Church Musician

  • Open to Luke 1: 26. Where did the angel meet Mary? The location is specific!

  • Read verse 29. What is Mary’s response? Does her response make the angel mad or not want to talk to Mary?

  • Jump to Genesis 18:12-15. What story is this? What is God’s response?

  • How might the story of Sarah laughing and Mary’s visit by the angel be connected?

  • What seems “impossible” in our world right now?

  • What might you pray for God’s intervention to help solve?

  • What surprises you about what the angel shared?

  • This is a story of contrasts between Mary and her cousin, Elizabeth. What do we know about Elizabeth from the beginning of Luke 1? Write them down.

  • What would you like to talk about that we have not yet?


Taking it Home

What sounds communicate “holidays” to you?


God of the promise, you call your people together into your one mission in Christ’s name. Make us brave, grant us peace, challenge our expectations, and empower us to truly follow your Spirit’s lead. You are our one God who calls us together as one people, and we thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Grow Guide | Dec 15, 2024