Grow Guide | August 22

Renewing Worship | Sermon

Connecting Questions 

  • Name three famous speeches (like “I have a Dream” by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.). What do you think made them so famous? 

  • Name three sermons/preachers that stick in your memory, for better or worse. What was so memorable about the sermon/preacher? 


This week we continue our summer series Renewing Worship by looking at the role of the sermon in a worship service. Most Christian worship services have a moment in which a pastor/priest stands in front of the congregation and speaks about the scripture passage designated for that service. Each Christian tradition has different expectations for the purpose and nature of the sermon. 

The main component of preaching that unifies all Christian traditions is that the sermon is a moment when the Good News of Jesus is proclaimed publicly to the congregation. The key word here is proclamation.  

For Lutherans, a sermon isn’t necessarily teaching or public speaking, although it can do both. It is a faith event made possible by the Holy Spirit. Lutherans claim that we share both law and gospel – God’s word of judgement and promise. Sermons live this out. Anyone can preach, but we claim that work especially for pastors and deacons. Sermons give the whole community a chance to hear more about what God might be up to and how they might be a part of it. 


Look at the Book 

  • Read 1 Corinthians 1:17-25. 

  • Look at verses 10-16 that lead up this passage. What is the controversy in the church of Corinth in those verses that Paul is addressing in verse 17? 

  • What was Paul sent to do in Corinth? How was he supposed to do it? 

  • Why do you think Paul says the message about the cross of Jesus is “foolishness”? To whom is it foolish? To whom is it power? Why? 

  • How did God choose to save the world (verse 21)? 

  • How is the message of Christ crucified received by different groups, according to these verses? Why? 

  • What do you think Paul is trying to communicate about the message that Jesus was crucified and rose again? 

Taking it Home 

  • How would you describe the difference between a sermon that teaches and one that is a faith event that proclaims the good news? Which is more valuable to you? Why? 

  • Discuss ways that you might be able to engage with the sermon more deeply in worship--leading up to it, during, and following the service (hint,’re doing it right now by using the Grow Guide! Good job!). 


Grow Guide | August 29


GROW Guide | August 15