Grow Guide | April 24, 2022

Life In His Name

John 20:19-31  

Connecting Questions 

  • Have you ever experienced or witnessed a trust-fall exercise. It is when one person falls backwards into the arms of another person or group of people. Why might this exercise be difficult for some people? 

  • When have you said, “I would need to see that to believe it?” 


This is our final week in the Gospel of John. Jesus is risen from the dead, he is risen indeed! Alleluia! In our last lesson we saw how Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene in the garden and she reported to the disciples what she had seen. In this lesson it is later the same day and Jesus appears to the disciples so they can see for themselves. 

Look at the Book 

Read John 20:19-31. 

  • What is the first thing Jesus says each time he appears? Why do you think he says that? 

  • What did Jesus do to the disciples in verse 22? How might the instruction in verse 23 be connected to this gift? 

  • Read Genesis 2:7. How might this story be connected to John 20:22-23? 

  • Mark all the places the words “see” or “seen” appear. Why do you think Thomas needed to see it? 

  • The word translated believe is the Greek word pisteuo (verb) or pistos (adjective). It is better translated trust or trusting. The word translated doubt is the Greek word apistos and is simply the opposite of pistos. How might this entire passage have a different meaning if you replaced the words believe and doubt with trust(ing) and untrusting

  • What was Thomas’ response when he saw Jesus? 

  • What is the purpose of the Gospel of John, according to verse 31? 

Taking it Home 

  • Last week Mary couldn’t see Jesus because of her grief. This week Thomas couldn’t trust the testimony of the disciples because of his skepticism. What are things in your life that make it difficult to trust? 

  • This concludes our study of John. Reflect on the journey. How have you seen Jesus in new ways as a result of this study? How has this impacted your life?


Grow Guide | May 1, 2022


Grow Guide | Easter 2022