You Are My Rock


Take a deep breath. As you breathe in say, “You are my rock.” As you breathe out say, “I build on you.” Repeat as many times as you need.



[You are] built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. In him the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord. – Ephesians 2:20-21



Here at Easter, you’ve heard us talk more over the past few weeks about generosity. On November 14, we will invite everyone to make a financial commitment to the mission and ministry of this congregation. After prayer, reflection, conversation, and planning, you will be able to turn in your statement of intent for 2022. That bold act of faith will demonstrate your trust in God and gratitude for all God’s gifts in your life.  

Our staff and leadership spend a lot of time in prayer, discernment, and conversation around where God calls us as a congregation. This year, we’re very aware of the role of our physical buildings. For nearly two years, we’ve had to dramatically adjust the way we use our buildings. From shifting to digital formats to adapting for pandemic restrictions, the way we use our physical resources continues to change. Still more, both of Easter’s sites need updates and maintenance to stay safe, welcoming, and high functioning. We know that God calls us to care for the gift of our physical locations. 

At first, it may not feel exciting to give to the maintenance of our buildings. But then, think of all the ministry that happens inside these walls. We share in the sacraments, we hear God’s word, we encourage each other, we learn about scripture, and best of all, we get what we need to serve God and our neighbor outside these walls. Caring for our physical locations is a bold and meaningful faith act. 

Together, as we continue to gather in our buildings for worship, learning, and service, we experience what it means to truly be gathered as one people, built on the rock of our faith. It is a joy to be present and engaged with you in this shared ministry.



God, we thank you for all you have given us. We especially thank you for our church and its resources. Grant us what we need to strengthen our buildings and the ministries they support. Call us to great acts of generosity for the sake of the mission we share. Bring us together and send us out in your Son’s holy name. Amen.


Carry On.

Think about the special faith events you’ve experienced inside Easter’s walls. What did those encounters mean for your faith and life? How will you express your gratitude for these opportunities?


You Are Love

