Words of Faith


Pause and quiet your heart and mind. Breathe in and say, “You are with me.” Breathe out and say, “You send me out.” Repeat as many times as you need.



We declare to you what we have seen and heard so that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. – 1 John 1:3



This week, we’re talking about the act of testimony. Usually, we think of testimony as something that happens in a courtroom. An eye witness comes to court and gives testimony as to what was seen and heard. For Christians, testimony bears a similar theme. A Christian’s testimony is a public witness to what God has been doing in the believer’s life. Often, testimony takes place in worship as a way to claim and make fully public God’s action. However, testimony can happen in our daily lives as well. In fact, this is where it’s most likely to happen. 

While we know we’re called to talk about our faith, it sometimes feel like we don’t quite understand why. There is often pressure to share faith for the sole purpose of conversion. This can make testimony feel pushy. It gives the impression that you only talk about what you believe to try to convince someone else to believe the same. I often wonder if this is why so many Christians are nervous to share their testimony, as they don’t want to be perceived as someone forcing their own faith on someone else. 

The book of 1 John is one of my most favorite books in the Bible. It talks so passionately about the love we share with each other because of the love we know from God. In the very first verses of the book, the author gives the why for sharing this testimony of love. The author declares this testimony, what has been seen and heard, not to convert or to force, but simply to have fellowship. The story builds relationship. When we know each other more, we connect to each other and have more compassion for each other. And when you know your fellowship is with God, you can share that love by simply being connected to others. 

Take the pressure off yourself. Building faith is God’s work. Your job is only to tell the truth, share what God is up to, build relationships based on love and honesty, and stay connected to others. Others will see and hear about God’s goodness through you.



God, let my words of faith and life build bridges. Take away my fear of judgment. Make me a conduit for your Spirit’s power. Let my words and actions be a force for welcome to all people. Amen.


Carry On.

Can you think of people who inspired your faith without ever demanding that you believe? How did they speak or act that helped you better understand what God was up to? Is that something you can model in your life, too?


Practice Telling Your Faith Story


Faith Story