Psalm 34:14


Stop, somewhere that you can be still and close your eyes.  Take time for 5 controlled breaths. 



Psalm 34:14 Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.



As we begin the second full week of a new year, I wonder about resolutions made.  I am not a resolution maker, perhaps because I know that I would make a BIG resolution instead of a small and SMART one.  I’ve learned that I need to take small steps, hopefully leading to lasting changes.  Over the past year many famous athletes and entertainers have been open about their mental health struggles.  I am hopeful that their shared struggles will inspire everyone to take care of themselves and others.  For a number of years I have struggled with anxiety and depression, the changes in hormones during pregnancy didn’t go back to ‘normal’ so I have learned ways to cope and regulate my ups and downs.  The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) says, “If that anxiety doesn’t go away and begins to interfere with your life, it could affect your health. You could experience problems with sleeping, or with your immune, digestive, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems. You also may be at higher risk for developing a mental illness such as an anxiety disorder or depression.”

I have taken up many different practices to help and some have been very beneficial for me, so I thought I would share a couple.

As a family we have a gratitude journal.  Every night each of us shares something that happened during the day that we are grateful for.  The gratitude can be BIG or SMALL just the act of sharing it helps to remember what is important.  I also have a Bible app on my phone and am notified early each morning of a Verse of the Day, a small way to remember to stay grounded in the Word of God.  Some days the given verse resonates with me, some days it doesn’t.  I think the act of reading and re-reading that verse gives me just a little spark.




Hey God, thank you for sending Jesus to Earth to be our Hope and salvation.  Thank you for every small and big thing that makes us grateful.  Please help each of us to see the ways you work in our lives. Amen


Carry On

Take time today to do one thing for yourself.  Meditate, exercise, read a book, be in nature.  Do anything that brings you peace or joy.



If you are struggling to cope, or the symptoms of your stress or anxiety won’t go away, it may be time to talk to a professional.

Don’t wait until your symptoms are overwhelming. Talk about your concerns with your primary care provider, who can refer you to a mental health specialist if needed. If you don’t know where to start, read the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Tips for Talking With Your Health Care Provider fact sheet.


Genesis 2:7


Galatians 3:27-28