Philippians 4:19

thanks to Parent Cue!

this month’s theme is BOUNCE BACK God gives us strength we need to get back up again.  God is strong and faithful.


Stop: Put your hands together like you are praying, push your hands together.  Keep pushing as you read the Bible verse.


Listen: Philippians 4:19 “ My God will meet all your needs.  He will meet them in keeping with his wonderful riches.  These riches come to you because you belong to Christ Jesus.


Reflect: Read the list of needs below. Match up each need on the left to one way that need can be met on the right.

Tired                            a friend

Hungry                        a hug

Cold                            a comfy bed

Sad                              food

Lonely                        a warm blanket

God promises to meet all of our needs. And God always keeps promises. When you put your faith in Jesus, you have access to all of those same riches. When it’s hard to keep going, when you want to quit, when it seems like no one else is making the wise choice, remember that God will give you what you need. So remember, you can keep going because of what Jesus did for you.


Pray: Loving God, thank you for walking beside me.  You meet every need I have.  I am a Child of God!  Amen.


Hebrews 12:1-3

