Light of Christ


Breathe.  Breathe deep.  Notice where you are and all the things surrounding you. Know that God is with you and just as close as the things around you. 



“Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,” which means, “God is with us.” Matthew 1:23



Every year, my family watches White Christmas, Elf and other favorite Christmas shows together.  We make lefse, kringla, almond bark pretzels and chocolate crinkles together.  Decorating the Christmas tree and pulling out the nativity scenes is all part of the season.  Christmas is very much about traditions; these rituals of Christmas joy.  Every year the world throws a party that lasts about a month.  We light candles and string up lights.  We decorate and set up trees in our living rooms.  We give gifts.  We gather together.  We sing songs and put on new playlists full of the season’s music.  We share stories.  We eat food and make special treats and share cookies with others near and dear.  But these rituals of joy can become much more and last all year long when Christ enters in.  Instead of simply lighting candles and stringing lights, we shine the light of Christ.  Instead of simply decorating our homes, we bring beauty to the world with the kindness and goodness of God.  We give to those in need.  We welcome the lonely.  We sing, we pray and we share The Story of God’s love for the world.  We share The Meal of the broken body and blood that heals and brings forgiveness.  We share the love of Jesus and maybe some cookies too.  These are the rituals that change things- the practices that come when Emmanuel, God with us enters in.



Emmanuel, God with us, thank you for being with us in all the ways we celebrate your birth into this world.  Help us to go beyond the lights and goodies, to share Your Light and Goodness.  May Your story of love permeate everything about this season and our lives. Amen



Think about the activities and traditions that you normally engage in this season.  What is something you can do a little differently to share more of God’s love and light with others?


God Bursts In

