Let Your Light Shine!
Like many of you, I look forward to spending time with my family on the 4th of July on the lake, grilling, eating too much and most importantly, watching fireworks. I love watching my children’s faces literally light up as each rocket explodes into a glorious display of light. “Oooo, Ahhh, I like that one, wait, that one was amazing too!”
What if that is how God watches us from above? Each of us shining His light in different ways using our unique gifts! One of the best ways we can be used by God is by simply being ourselves. We are all unique, beautiful, and amazing fireworks, designed to shine His love and light into the darkness. Matthew 5:16 says this: “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. “
Let us pray: Gracious God. Thank you for uniquely creating us in magnificent ways. Like fireworks, none the same, but equally wondrous. Encourage us to shine brightly so others see your amazing light and love. Amen.