John 15:4–5


Today we will focus on the word ABIDE. Breathe deeply and say it a few times as you meditate on this image.


John 15:4–5 (NRSV)

4 Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. 5 I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.


One of the highlights of my week is when I get to visit with my parents on Friday mornings. We drink coffee and have peanut butter on toast. There is no agenda. We simply share the highlights of the week. Quite often the conversation turns theological and we wrestle with life’s big questions (two generations of pastors can make for deep talks ). Other times we spend the whole time simply reminiscing about good times or talking about family matters.

The consistent part of our time is that we have it on our calendar. We carve out the time and we cherish it.

In our text today, Jesus said “abide in me.” The English word abide in this passage is translating the Greek word meno. It can mean to dwell, remain, hang out with, spend time. In other words, Jesus said, “Hang out with me, dwell with me, spend time with me. If you do, you will be like a branch that is connected to a vine. The connection makes it possible for you to bear fruit.”

We’ll talk about the fruit later this week. For today, let’s wonder what it might look like to hang out with Jesus. Jesus is the Word of God that became flesh. We can hang out with him by reading the Word in scripture, so daily Bible reading is a great practice. We can also hang out with him by listening to God’s Word that speaks through nature, through life-giving conversation, and through serving others.


God, please help me to find ways to hang out with Jesus today. Give me the confidence to know that I am invited to do so. Amen.

Carry On.

How will you spend time with Jesus today? Guess what. Now that you’ve finished reading this short devo, you just did! Keep it up!


John 15:7-8


Love Anyway