John 12:12-13


Take a few slow, deep breaths. Center your mind on the word praise. Let yourself reflect on what it means for your life this week.



The next day the great crowd that had come to the festival heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord—the King of Israel!” – John 12:12-13



The church celebrates Palm Sunday this week. Many of us remember the day because it incorporates the waving of palm branches like the crowds who greet Jesus in this reading. If you grew up in the church, you probably looked forward to this Sunday all year when you were a kid. It’s as close to a parade as we get in worship. You also get to take home a memorable souvenir in the form of a palm branch of leaf, an exotic thing if you grew up in a colder climate.


As we read through the gospel of John this spring, you might notice that we backtrack to get to this story, known as the Triumphal Entry in recognition of the crowds hailing Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem by calling him a king. In John’s telling of the story, this event happens just after Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. Verses 17 and 18 even say that it’s because of this miracle that the crowds kept following him and praising him. However, because John includes several chapters of Jesus’ words to his disciples before his betrayal, there’s a little more space between this story and the passion narrative than there is in Matthew, Mark, and Luke.


But one thing is the same in each version of the story: praise. It is this remarkable moment when it seems that all people finally see Jesus for who and what he is. He comes to save, to protect, to come in the name of his Father who sent him, to redeem all people. The crowds celebrate and praise him for the king he truly is.


It’s possible that one of the most memorable things about Palm Sunday is that unbridled invitation to praise Jesus. Too often we get stuck in wondering how to get things right in our faith. In the act of praise, there is only an invitation to joy. Praise doesn’t deny the existence of struggle and suffering. Praise connects us to the One who goes with us in the depths of our pain – even to the cross. May you remember the joy of praise this week and turn your heart to that jubilant act today.



Hosanna! I praise you, Jesus! I give thanks for all you have done for me, for your gift of life, and for the opportunity to love and serve you now and always. Amen.


Carry On.

Get a post-it note or notecard and write praise on it. Stick it someplace you’ll see it this week. Use it as a reminder to pause and give praise to Jesus, even if it’s just saying a quick hosanna!


John 12:23 - Glory


Psalm 17:1-7 REFUGE