Melvin Carter, Jr

I’m going to do something a bit different for this week’s devotions. Some of this is based on my own personal need for a sense of peace during a continuously churning world. This also coincides with the John Noltner exhibit currently displayed at Easter’s Hill location. It is here through the month of February so I encourage you to check it out before it’s gone. PBN

Stop. Take a deep breath. How have you experienced peace this week? 

Listen. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. 

Reflect. With Melvin Carter, Jr.’s portrait he defines peace as “people living harmoniously with one another” and he likens this to a symphony. Each instrument has a different part to play. Not all instruments are the same, but these different instruments come together and make a harmonious sound.

A barrier to peace is perhaps that we get so caught up in our differences that we forget. We forget that God made us different on purpose and for a purpose— “for the common good” (verse 7). We can’t all be accountants, we can’t all be builders, we can’t all be pastors. The world needs you to be who you are—to use the gifts God has given you in service to others.

What strength do you have that makes you different from others? How is God asking you to use that for the common good today?

I echo Carter’s sentiment: “I thank God that we’re all different.”

Pray. Gracious God, thank you for making each of us different yet with a shared purpose—for the common good. Bless us as we use our gifts to serve others and bless us as we see and appreciate the different gifts others bring into this world. Amen.

Carry On. May the Lord bless you as you continue to be a blessing to others.

Brandon Newton

Easter Pastor


Psalm 51:1-2


Jennifer McNally