Isaiah 55:8-9


Take a deep breath. As you breathe in say, “God, you are wisdom.” As you breathe out say, “God, you are truth.” Repeat as many times as you need.



For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. – Isaiah 55:8-9



As we continue reading through Isaiah 55, we hear beautiful, poetic images of God’s providence. After God reminds the people that they will receive what they need, God also invites them into closer relationship. God, through the prophet, declares “let them return to the Lord, that he may have mercy on them” (55:7b). And just after that, we get the verse for today.


It’s almost as if God says: I will give you what you need, and I will always grant you mercy and grace, and you won’t think you deserve it, but you’re wrong. My thoughts are not your thoughts.


We often hear this verse as another version of “God has a plan” language. When life takes a turn we wouldn’t expect or desire, leaving us wondering what on earth God could be doing here, we might be inclined to remind each other that God’s ways are not our ways. But that’s not entirely accurate, here.


In its context, the passage doesn’t say that you’re suffering because God is up to something and you just can’t see it yet. It says that God will always, always welcome us back. God will always receive us in mercy. God will always bring hope to difficult places. We trick ourselves into thinking we don’t deserve it or aren’t good enough for it – or worse yet, we trick others into think that about themselves – but it’s not true. Just because that’s what we think should happen doesn’t mean it’s what God will do. God is far more gracious than we are. God’s ways are not our ways.


God’s wisdom sees the worth in each person. God’s love is truth. Thanks be to God!



I thank you, God, that you wouldn’t treat me like I think I deserve. I praise the mystery of your love and revel in your graciousness. Help me to extend that love to others, even when I don’t understand it myself. Amen.


Carry On.

Can you catch yourself talking down to yourself? When you hear your thoughts drifting towards being unworthy or unlovable, can you remember this verse? Practice trusting that God loves you more than you could ever admit to yourself.


Isaiah 55:12


Isaiah 55:2