Isaiah 42:8


This week, our devotions will be based on a practice known as Examen. You’ll need a timer, a quiet spot, and about ten minutes for devotions each day this week. Get what you need, take a deep breath, and prepare to hear from our upcoming preaching text.



I am the Lord, that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to idols. – Isaiah 42:8



In the practice known as Examen, we are invited to reflect on God’s word and the events of our day to better listen to God’s action in our lives and discern where God may be leading us. For many Christians, this daily practice invites reflection, devotion, and connection to God’s will. Set a timer for two minutes to reflect and pray about each of the following questions, one at a time:


The Prophet Isaiah recalls how God assures the people that God alone is worth of praise, and that nothing else can compare to God’s glory. Reflecting on the events of your day, why do you most want to praise God today? Is there an event or interaction that most revealed God’s glory to you?


God assures us that God is no idol, nothing made-up or false, but only true God. Today, what got in the way of you trusting God? What objects, events, or needs demanded too much of you? Bring them before God and ask that God would be in charge of your life more and more.


Think back through your day in all its chores, interactions, and joys. Where did you truly feel the holy, glorious presence of God? When were you able to name God in all God’s goodness? Think back through your day and reflect on these events.


What does it mean to you that all glory belongs to God? How will you continue to give God glory?


Confident that God alone is God, how will you face the rest of your week? How will you watch for God’s glory around you?



God, it is an honor to call on you and trust your action in the world. I give you all my glory and praise, knowing that it belongs to you alone. Amen.


Carry On.

How can you add times for reflection and peace into every day? What would it feel like to make an intentional practice of listening for God, even in small ways, during your day?


Isaiah 42:9


Isaiah 42:6