GOD Cares For You


Stand up.  Stretch your arms to the sky, slowly breathe in and out.  Now slowly dive and stretch to your feet again slowly breathe in and out.  Last as you breathe in and out slowly stand up tall.  One more breath, slowly in and out.



Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7 



I have written a devotion on this verse before (Nov 5, 2020 in case you want to read it), this week the verse was on repeat in my head.  So much happens in our world that gives me anxiety and I have no idea what to do.  I am a speck of sand, how can I make things better?  How can my voice be for the voiceless? How can I stand for those that are unable?  I often feel powerless to the in equalities I see and hear on the news.  I do not encounter injustices regularly, what would I do if I did?  “what if” is not a healthy way to live and is definitely a drag on my mental health.  What I do is cast my anxiety on God, even when there are no words, especially when I don’t know how to put words to what I feel. 

On Wednesday, January 6 I was skiing with my family, because my kids had finished their school assignments early.  We were having a lot of fun together, oblivious to the chaos and violence in Washington DC.  Like many I have news notifications and my phone started beeping.  When I looked and saw that people were invading the US Capitol building, shock and confusion.  Then my 9 year-old asking what it all meant.  Maybe in time we will know what it meant.  Wednesday all I knew to do was cast my anxiety on God.  On the chair-lift she echoed me in that verse, all the way up.  It helped me, I hope it helped her.  I will continue, as best as I can, to cast my anxiety and remember who cares for me. I hope you are able to do the same.



Dear God, thank you for caring for us.  We pray that you help us find the words when we can’t.  That you help us be silent and listen.  We live in gratitude that you are willing and able to take all our anxiety. AMEN


Carry On.

As you go today, breathe in the caring of God.  When you breathe in, say: “God is for me”. When you breathe out, say: “God is with me”.


Do Justice


Love God, Love Others