Giving to God
Hold your check book, credit card, or cash in your hand. How do these objects make you feel? Pause to consider the power they have in your life and how you use them – or don’t use them – as objects of faith.
All tithes from the land, whether the seed from the ground or the fruit from the tree, are the Lord’s; they are holy to the Lord. All tithes of herd and flock, every tenth one that passes under the shepherd’s staff, shall be holy to the Lord. – Leviticus 27:30, 32
This past Sunday, our worship series led us to talking about offering during worship. This one act can stir up so many emotions in worshipers. They might feel shame, pride, fear, judgement, anger, or grief, all depending on their relationship with money and their relationship to the church. Because there’s such a wide range of emotions, and because so many of them are often so tough, people have often wondered why money is part of worship – or faith – at all.
Simply put, it’s because there’s nothing in our lives that doesn’t reflect our faith. All of what we have, all of what we are, everything belongs to God. Money is arguably the most powerful thing in our lives and even money belongs to God first. When we share our money in the context of worship, we redirect money’s power over us and put it in service to the God we worship and praise.
Not long after God’s people were freed from slavery in Egypt, God gave them rules to help structure and guide their lives. One rule was about how to use and share what God had given them. God encouraged them to tithe, which means to give ten percent of what they have back to God. This kept God’s people centered in the reminder that they have everything because of God’s love and providence. In returning one tenth back to God, they put wealth and possessions in their rightful place.
Maybe a tithe isn’t in reach for you right now. But you can start right where you’re at. God invites you to consider how you will begin committing part of what you have back into service to God. The next time you’re invited to give, whether in worship or online, you can prayerfully respond in joy.
God, money is such a complicated thing. Take away all my fear and guilt about money. Instead, fill me with joy and gratitude for all you’ve given me. Open my hands and heart to share with you, your church, and all your people what you have given me. Amen.
Carry On.
How does your check book, credit card statement, or bank account reflect what you believe? How can you restructure your finances to confidently reflect your faith?