Filled With Faith


Breathe in and say, “Filled with faith”. Breathe out and say, “Free of despair”. Repeat as many times as you need. 



Then [Jesus] said to them, “Oh, how foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have declared!” – Luke 24:25 



Right after the resurrection story, the good news goes on the road. For rest of Luke chapter 24, the last chapter in Luke’s gospel, Jesus and the disciples are moving and traveling in the days immediately after Easter Sunday. This week, we’ll hear from some of those stories as we finish reading the book of Luke in worship.   

On Sunday, we’ll hear the story of the walk to Emmaus from Luke 24:13-35. That story begins “Now on that same day” – that is, the same day that the women find the tomb empty. In this incredible story, two disciples walk from Jerusalem to Emmaus. On the way, they’re joined by a stranger who they cannot recognize as the resurrected Christ. The disciples reflect on the sad, difficult events of the last few days. Instead of ending their story with hope in the promises fulfilled, they can only comment on the confusion the women bring with their findings.   

Jesus reacts decisively. He calls them foolish and slow of heart – not exactly words of comfort and patience! He then outlines all the prophecy that pointed to his work on the cross. The implication is clear: they shouldn’t be so confused and despondent. They should just listen to the story. God’s promises have been at work all along.   

It’s an important reminder for us, too. We can get overwhelmed and tired, caught up in the bad news. Sometimes, we can’t even remember that Jesus is alive and at work in the world. Don’t despair. Just listen to the story. Let it speak faith to your heart. 



Jesus, it’s hard for me to trust your promises, but I know you walk with me anyway. Thank you for the faith you give me each day. Amen. 


Carry On. 

Re-read Luke chapters 22, 23, and 24. Hear the story one more time at your own pace. Listen for the promises and remember how much God loves us as you read. 


When in Doubt


Holy Saturday